
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cancer in too many places.

Last night, due to the excessive heat and total non-interest in cooking dinner we decided to head down to a local place on the beach for some fresh pizza and wings (I enjoyed the pizza while the rest of my fam wolfed down the wings).  About 15 minutes in Adam and both agreed that the waitress seemed familiar but couldn't place her.  Shortly there after a noticed a small tattoo on the inside of her wrist.  It was the customary "cancer ribbon" shape but one side was purple and the other was black.  I waited a bit before stopping her to ask about it.  As it turns out both her Mother and Aunt are battling their own cancer battles and although both received terminal diagnoses they both continue to fight and live (her Aunt's diagnosis came 11 years ago).  The tattoo was to honor these two women in her life...beautiful!  It wasn't much later that I realized I recognized the waitress from about 7 years ago when I coached a town league softball team and she (probably 12 or 13 at the time) was my star player.  So once again I stopped her to ask if she was in fact the Kayla that I was remembering.  It took her a moment but she remembered me and was surprised and happy to learn that my own battle with cancer is going so well these days.  It amazes me each day how many places I find cancer and often wonder how I missed it all before.  On September 10th at 8pm all three major tv networks will be hosting the Stand Up To Cancer event, tune and and remember that so many are fighting and so many need support.

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