When you have a chance check out the following website: http://www.jimmyv.org/index.php
This week (Dec.1 - Dec.7) is Jimmy V. Week. This organization is well worth the time it takes to click on the above link and do a little reading. Here is a quoted passage from the site, about Jimmy Valvano:
"During one of Jim's final interviews he stated, "I want to help every cancer patient I can now. I don't know if I can handle that, but it's the only conceivable good that can come out of this." Jim proved that he could more than handle his final role as cancer advocate. He spent the final ten months of his life giving the world personal insights into the life of a cancer patient in the hope that he could bring some attention to the disease that affects millions. He was not afraid to let others witness his weakening body or the tears that he shed when he spoke of his certain death during interviews and public appearances. He knew that his body would lose the battle against cancer, but his vibrant spirit was the gift that he would leave behind."
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